But today was a ray of summer into my winter. A true blessing from the Lord. It came down even though I didn't expect it to. I could close my eyes, and feel the warmth on my face.
Today, I found out that I get to serve the Lord by my favorite means: through the written word. There is nothing I love more than writing my columns. They are simply the struggles I face daily, and what God says to me about them. Someone went as far as to dub me 'the female C.S. Lewis'. I do not believe this to be true by any stretch of the imagination. Whatever I say in my writings is truly what is spoken unto me. I am just a humble messenger, nothing more. These are not my words. I am just a mere vessel.
But this is reassurance from above. The last couple of months, the enemy has tried his best to convince me that this town is not where I belong, or where I will even belong, and that my talents were useless and void. He's tried to lie to me, and use my weaknesses against me, trying to get me to wander off the path the Lord has so graciously laid before me.
It's funny how apt we are to believe the devil. Why is that? Why is it when the great deceiver speaks with his serpent's tongue that we perk up our ears? When this happens, we have to speak with a servant's tongue, and say 'yes, Lord! I know you are right, and the enemy is wrong! I will listen and believe the voice of truth!'
How silly are that we even give the enemy the time of day?
I guess what this boils down to, is that sometimes we just have to wait upon the Lord, wait for his true voice and wait to receive. The enemy has no foresight or foreknowledge. He can't see into the future, he can't see our next move. But what he does understand is weaknesses, holes, and opportunities. The Lord can fill in all these gaps and fight for us! The chasm isn't as great as we think it is.
It may be the winter right now, but the spring is coming.
And I leave you with this bit from 1 Peter. I know yesterday's post featured 1 Peter, as well, but I think it's because it's something I'm supposed to hear.
"As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace: whoever speaks, as one who speaks oracles of God; whoever serves, as one who serves by the strength that God supplies—in order that in everything God may be glorified through Jesus Christ. To him belong glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen."
-1 Peter 4:10-11
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